Are You AWESOME Quiz

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In this quiz, you will be testing yourself to the limit, we will be seeing if you are really awesome, like me, but just remember you wont be so awesome that you'r more awesome than me, because that is impossible.

When you are taking the "Are You AWESOME Quiz" one of the ways to get questions correctly is to be MLG, because all awesome people (like me), think MLG ways, so if you do that you should go well in the quiz pretty god dam good.

Created by: Zac of Zac Attack - Youtube
(your link here more info)
  1. what's 9 + 10
  2. do a noscope
  3. what is more MLG, Illuminati or Doritos
  4. explain a triangle
  5. what is more MLG (again), Yur MUM or Snoop Dogg
  6. who is more AWESOME, you or ME
  7. what would you rate me
  8. what would you rate youself
  9. am I awesome
  10. who is the best basketballer

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Quiz topic: Am I AWESOME Quiz