Are you Awesome or the Complete Opposite?

This quiz is made to determine if you are awesome, or not awesome at all! Choose a few answers and get one of my four results. I had fun making it :D!!!!!

Just to let you know, this quiz was made for fun! It is not made to take offensively. I am hoping you get a great answer that you like. I just want people to be happy! Is that okay?

Created by: Sofia
  1. You find a funny meme on tiktok. It makes you laugh hard. Thinking of it, should you send this to your friend?
  2. What is 1+1?
  3. It's summer vacation! What will you do?
  4. What would you eat FOREVER?
  5. Where would you shop today?
  6. Are you positive?
  7. Are you negative?
  8. What is an adjective?
  9. Twinkle twinkle.....(finish lyrics)
  10. ............................

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Quiz topic: Am I Awesome or the Complete Opposite?
