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Do you think that you are awesome? well heres your chance to prove it. take the test, answer the questions and click submit to find out the percent of awesome you really are!!!

this quiz is very unique and will ask some questions that you may think are random, but i assure you that each one is carefully chosen, Good Luck!!!!!

Created by: Sketch
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like animals
  2. do you like dangerous animals
  3. which element is coolest
  4. which do you say most
  5. which would you want to hear the most?
  6. where are you MOST likely to fall asleep
  7. Pick one
  8. Which would you rather wrestle
  9. pick a type of music
  10. Finish this sentence: i would rather die....

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Quiz topic: Am I AWESOME?!