are you awesome???

there are some people who are so awesome and some people who arent. there are also people in between. many people think they are sooo cool, but who knows???

i made this quiz to tell you what i think about your awesomeness. so, are you awesome???? are you a total loser???? are you somewhere in between????

Created by: konvolinka of this site
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. do you rinse after you brush your teeth?
  2. Do you prefer markers or crayons?
  3. Are you good at drawing?
  4. do you have a pet?
  5. How many friends do you have???
  6. Do you own a pair of bullhead or abercrombie jeans?
  7. Are you blond?
  8. are you a red-head?
  9. are you a dirty blond?
  10. do you have any other color for hair?
  11. how many hours do you spend on the computer?
  12. how many hours is on myspace?
  13. do you have a boyfriend?
  14. if you are single, do you like it?
  15. do you like parties?
  16. are you a crybaby?
  17. do you watch kids movies (nemo, shrek, march of the penguins)?
  18. have you ever got an A in a class (on your report card)?
  19. are you awesome?
  20. what is your fave color?
  21. have you ever been grounded?
  22. does your name have a vowel in the first 3 letters?
  23. do you wish you were someone else?
  24. have you ever hurt yourself purposefully?
  25. are you ever called a nerd?
  26. did you answer this truthfully?

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Quiz topic: Am I awesome???