Are You Attractive Or Not?

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There are, what people call ugly, okay, eee, and ATTRACTIVE. People base the looks on the vanity of the media, and thats stupid, if you ask me. But give it a try.

are YOU attractive? Do you have the looks, to pass as an attractive person? Until now you could wonder, unless you had multiple people to tell you that, but anyways, give it a couple a minutes, my quiz NEVER lies.

Created by: Chrissy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Long Is Your Hair?
  2. Do you have a big forehead?
  3. What color are your eyes?
  4. What type of nose do you have?
  5. What color is your hair?
  6. Do you have high cheekbones?
  7. Are your lips plump, full?
  8. Are you fat?
  9. How big are your boobs?
  10. Do you have a big butt?

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Quiz topic: Am I Attractive Or Not?