Are You Attractive? (boys only)

Are You Sexy? I know I am. Do you think you are as sexy as me? I hope not. Special Monkeys are very sexy. Special Monkeys are cool. Why do i have to write out a whole paragraph of something nobodys gonna read? I care why?

This is stupid no ones gonna read this. Why do i care. why does ANYONE CARE?!?!?!?! nobodys gonna read this. and it has to be 150 letters. this is extremely stupid.

Created by: Special Monkey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many girlfriends have you had?
  2. What is your idea of a romantic night?
  3. Has anyone said you were hott before?
  4. What celebrity do you think your body is most like?
  5. How is your hair?
  6. Are you a virgin?
  7. How are your teeth?
  8. What movie is most like you?
  9. Who is the hottest Jessica?
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Attractive? (boys only)