are you attractive

this will tell you what most guys think of you. FOR GIRLS ONLY.In my opinion this will tell a lot about you and what kind of guys you will attract. Good luck ladies

Its hard to be pretty these days. See if you are. Sexy beautiful woman are the best age has no affect unless you are over 50. You shouldn't take this tes if your over 50 cause it was designed by a 25 year old.

Created by: eric bon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what color is your hair
  2. what is your bod type
  3. what is your boob size
  4. eye color
  5. what clothes do you where
  6. how many piercings
  7. what do you think of yourself as
  8. what do you think of yourself as
  9. how boyfriends have you had
  10. what do you think of yourself in a bikini

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Quiz topic: Am I attractive