Are You at risk of becoming Overweight? | Comments

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  • Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate
    Your Result: Morbidly Obese 95%

    Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)

    85% Obese
    51% Really starting to get big
    29% Overweight
    10% Close to overweight.
    6% Perfect!
    5% You are underweight.
    2% You are way too underweight!
    I'm so happy and proud

    Sws 2213
  • i'm normal weight but most of my family is obese. i'll probably be like them u_u' great quiz!

  • youre percentage is 83% 83%

    you are fatND DEFNATLY NEED TO LOOSE SOME WEIGHT or you cn suffer many unhealthy and early unececary deaths just eat less eat more healthy and work out thats all

  • percentage is 83% 83%

    you are fatND DEFNATLY NEED TO LOOSE SOME WEIGHT or you cn suffer many unhealthy and early unececary deaths just eat less eat more healthy and work out thats all

    I love sisey
  • percentage is 83% 83%

    you are fatND DEFNATLY NEED TO LOOSE SOME WEIGHT or you cn suffer many unhealthy and early unececary deaths just eat less eat more healthy and work out thats all


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