This quiz is impossible. This quiz is impossible. This quiz is impossible. This quiz is impossible. This quiz is impossible. This quiz is impossible. This quiz is impossible. This quiz is impossible.

Do you think this will be impossible? Do you think this will be impossible? Because it will. Because it will. This quiz is impossible. This quiz is impossible.

Created by: DespicableSharon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. This quiz that you are taking is impossible to pass. Do you think that you are able to pass? (hint: all the questions in the quiz are TRICK QUESTIONS!!! so choose wisely...)
  2. If there are 20 sheep, and all but 7 died, then how many sheep are left?
  3. Hayley had 5 kids named: Tammy, Temmy, Timmy, Tommy, and ______. What is the nmae of the last kid?
  4. Can a man marry his widow`s sister?
  5. If a Brown bear eats fish (i.e. salmon), does that make the bear a carnivore, or a herbavore?
  6. True or False: If you cup your ears forward, you are able to hear better, and more clearly.
  7. True or False: Any type of deodorant is able to keep sweat away.
  8. Was the answer to the question that was before ALL _____ ________?
  9. Hand sanitizer is supposed to kill ___.__% of all germs.
  10. A male that has a sex change to female, marry`s a female that has a sex change to male. That makes the couple _____.
  11. Do you think you passed? (you need to get at least 80%-90% to pass.)

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Quiz topic: Am I AS SMART AS YOU THINK YOU ARE???!!!!