are you as smart as you think you are?

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Are you as smart as you think you are? can't answer? well take this quiz and lets see how smart you actually are. just thinking of that 100% is making me excited.

well what are you doing still reading? go on. you know you wanna see your result..... will it be lower than what you expected? hearing that makes me shiver, brr.....

Created by: liz
  1. If a triangle has 45 degrees on one side and 54 on the other, what will the other side be?
  2. if 29 times 4 is 116, what is 116 times 8.
  3. a pentagon has how many degrees in total?
  4. what is the correct spelling?
  5. i ran down the street to the _______ before it closed.
  6. it was the only ________ answer i could give.
  7. the white house is in...
  8. what animal can predict earthquakes?
  9. tectonic plates can cause
  10. you can inherit

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Quiz topic: Am I as smart as you think you are?
