Are you Ariana Grande's true fan?

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So hi Arianators, you con do even if you're not it is fun. It is only a fifteen question quiz. It is very fun.................. THANK YOU SO MUCH. LYSM.

This is my first quiz hope you guys love it you can comment , like and share because I know there are so many fans of Ariana Grande as she is the best pop singer in the world. LYSM.

Created by: AriFandom
  1. Where is Ariana born?
  2. When is Ariana's b'day?
  3. How many songs did Ariana do including featured? (till 2020)
  4. What is Ariana's 1st song?
  5. Which is Ariana's super hit song?
  6. What is Ariana's brother's name?
  7. What is Ariana's fav color?
  8. What is Ariana's fav fruit?
  9. Which animal and fruit is Ariana Allergic to?
  10. Ariana is a ___________.
  11. How many ex's does Ariana have?
  12. Who was Ariana engaged with?
  13. Who is Ariana's present bf? (2020)
  14. Where did Ariana celebrate her 21st b'day?
  15. Last question: Are you a true fan of Ariana Grande? (doesn't be count in ur result)

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Quiz topic: Am I Ariana Grande's true fan?
