Are you are therian?

This quiz is not accurate at all so please do research instead of doing these quizzes that show if your a therian or your theriotyoe. They are not correct.

This quiz took a while to make so I hope you like it! Like I said on the other paragraph please do actual research before declaring you are a therian, otherkin, fictionkin, etc.

Created by: Forest
  1. Do you ever feel like you have an extra limb that humans don’t have but animals do?
  2. Do you ever feel the need to make animal noises? (Ex. Barking, meowing, howling, etc)
  3. Do you ever space out and when you come back you are on all fours or in a different area?
  4. Do you feel you are an animal in a non-physical way?
  5. Do you ever have flashbacks of past lives as an animal?
  6. Almost there!! ^^
  7. Do you enjoy doing animalistic things? (Ex. Running on all fours, animal vocals)
  8. Do you ever vision your hands as paws, flippers, fins, etc?
  10. Do you believe that you are a therian?

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Quiz topic: Am I are therian?