are you are Belinda

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heyy are you a Belinda, did you stalk one of your best friends to meet them?. Well this will answer your questions..... are you a Belinda or are you not?

ha lol this is totally random :) IDK what to write in paragrah 2 lol why do you need a second paragraph anyway or is it against the law not to have a second paragraph?

Created by: cat13065
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your name?
  2. do you think anime is weird?
  3. do you have 2 cats
  4. do you have a doggy?
  5. have you seen both of the hunger games?
  6. do you listen to nickelback?
  7. are you crazy?
  8. do you play minecraft?
  9. have you ever flipped off your bike handle bars?
  11. okayy last question will you comment?

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Quiz topic: Am I are Belinda