Are you anything like me?

everyone has similarities. things to compare and contrast. but no 2 people are really exactly the same. you might be like me but maybe not. it is a good thing to be the same and different.

are YOU like me? are you? now you will find out the easy way. no pressure. no lies, you are set to find out. let the dog wait. find out now!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Rainey of
(your link here more info)
  1. You are walking down the street and,this man on the side of the road is begging for money. what do you do?
  2. you are going on a shopping trip. as you walk in to your fav store you ask them about this really pretty outfit. they say ''there is 1 left''. as u walk over there this other girl snatches it. what do u do?
  3. your best friend gets sick. do u come to take care of her?
  4. you find that you got an F on that ''math'' test. what do you do?
  5. if your boyfriend proposed right now, how would react?
  6. you see your bff kissing your boyfriend. what do you do?
  7. you start making a quiz(like this one). what do u make it about?
  8. if your mom tells you to clean your room, what do you do?
  9. are your parents divorced?
  10. is your mom allergic to dairy?
  11. do you have any pets

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Quiz topic: Am I anything like me?