Are you annoying? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you annoying?

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  • Yeah! I'm not annoying! I find that a very big SHOCKER, 'cause my parents say that I'm the biggest loud mouth in this whole entire universe! I'm beginning to think that this quiz is PHONY! Still cool quiz, though, because I feel happy that this quiz says that I'm not annoying one bit!!!!

  • You are very annoying

    people cant stand you. they just agree to whatever you say just to shut you up. you have friends but they dont talk to you much. people get frustrated with you but they are nice to you so you dont feel bad.

    SERIOUSLY!?! I'm annoying just because I can be talkative and I have friends?!?! Now I'm sad! :'(

  • lol not annoying! very surprizing! ppl say imma alwayz annoying! xD btw: i loved the quiz!


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