Are you and occultist?

Are you and occultist or are you a bunny? this is a simple test to help you understand if you really an occultist or if you seen harry potter one to many times .

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Created by: JohnnyD Farris
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you believe in magick?
  2. do you believe spirits are real?
  3. How long have you been spending studying the occult?
  4. Do you believe in psychics?
  5. Are you open to science?
  6. do you believe in any manmade gods?
  7. what type of magick do you practice?
  8. what is your favorite tool
  9. were you born one?
  10. Do you believe that magick is evil

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Quiz topic: Am I and occultist?