Are you and Draco Malfoy soulmates? long results

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its about the amazing life in the harry Potter world with loads to unpack in the yes corner ahh I hope you like it thanks for doing this I got bored and needed to do something sorry if you got yes the makers aid the story was 2 long

hopefully you will see more of my quizz byeeeeeee!!!!! I will do a lot more harry Potter quiziz in the future sorry again about the 7th year I'll work on itharry Potter qiuz

Created by: harry Potter fangirl
  1. what house are you
  2. do you like draco
  3. do you like slytherins
  4. what's your fav color
  5. sorry for being short but what flavor
  6. pet?
  7. patronus
  8. who do you go to the ball with
  9. which one are you
  10. what's your fav season

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Quiz topic: Am I and Draco Malfoy soulmates? long results
