Are you an outside person or inside person?

I made this quiz because I was bored. If you try it out it'll make my day. I'll guess if you're an outside person or inside person.

Hope you enjoy this quiz, it's my first quiz. You should try this quiz out if you're bored. This is just a quiz if you're bored but please try it out.

Created by: Sophia
  1. How long do you read in a day?
  2. Do you like shopping?
  3. Are you good at sport?
  4. How many friends do you have?
  5. How long do you play video games on a normal day?
  6. Do you like taking photos?
  7. What's your favourite colour?
  8. Do you like to watch tv?
  9. Did you like this quiz, it was my first quiz.
  10. Could you comment your answer?

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Quiz topic: Am I an outside person or inside person?