Are you an MLG pro?

An MLG pro is one who is one with shrek, snoop, sanic, Spodermen, faze, and lives off of Doritos and Mountain Dew. An MLG pro makes a living by noscoping and quick scoping and is part of the illuminati.

If you are an MLG pro the answers on this quiz are in your face while if you are not take this quiz anyway and see if you were born to be MLG otherwise go jump off a cliff with your lizards.

Created by: xxXShrek-it-RalphXxx
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What drink do you drink if you are thirsty? Be honest or Spodermen will deem you an fagit
  2. Where do you want to work?
  3. Is teh Iluminate reel?
  4. Favourite hat?
  5. Shrek..
  6. Doritos are...
  7. Favourite kind of music?
  8. When you no scope a noob you...
  9. Doge is...
  10. Quick! Think of a number!

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