Are You An Inventor?

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I wondered if I were an inventor, I discovered this website, and I decided to put a quiz on it! It's the first quiz I've made on this website so...wish me luck!

ARE YOU AN INVENTOR OR NOT?!?!!???! FIND OUT HERE!!!!! If you're confused with your life, I may offend you if you get low results, I hope I do not offend you. And I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Yes Or No? Maybe.
  1. Do you prefer to go outside for a walk or stay inside?
  2. You find a small measuring tape on your table, do you think of what it might become?
  3. Do you enjoy building with Lego?
  4. You're in a boring meeting about windows, you..
  5. Are you often fascinated by everyday objects?
  6. A young child goes up to you and asks what your small object in your hand does, you...
  7. What kinds of colors are your favorites? You knew this was coming.
  8. What is your favorite season?
  9. Do you prefer online games or board games?
  10. Do you think of yourself as an inventor?

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Quiz topic: Am I An Inventor?
