Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

This test will tell you whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. Do you prefer others or yourself? I am just so curious what the result is?

Of course this test is not extremely correct so no offence if you don't like the result! That's all I have to say but I have to write more because of this quiz maker.

Created by: Zzz jhhhhhh
  1. Do you like working by yourself or with others?
  2. Do you like spending time alone or in a group?
  3. Do you find talking to others about yourself unnatural?
  4. Do you think you are an introvert?
  5. Do you think you are an extrovert?
  6. Thats all just have to fill in some more questions!
  7. So did you like the quiz? (No effect)
  8. Will you believe the result?
  9. Are you bored of random questions?
  10. Almost done(No effect)
  11. Last question

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Quiz topic: Am I an introvert or an extrovert?
