Are you an introvert, extrovert, or omnivert?

Have you been wondering about what kind of personality you have? This is the quiz to find out! Written by a girl who's an omnivert herself, that's really the only one I know about.

Take this quiz to discover your inner self...a quiet introvert? A boisterous extrovert? Right in the middle? We'll see! As a social introvert myself, maybe we can match!

  1. How many friends do you like to hang out with at once?
  2. Do you recharge by socialization or alone time?
  3. Do you initiate friendships?
  4. How do you feel about compliments from strangers?
  5. Do your friends consist of extroverts or introverts?
  6. Can you make everyone at the party laugh?
  7. What's your initial thought on public speaking?
  8. Do you think you're an extrovert, introvert, or right the middle?
  9. Do you think this quiz will spit out the right answer? (Doesn't affect result)
  10. Would you ask for a refund if the resteraunt messed up your order?

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Quiz topic: Am I an introvert, extrovert, or omnivert?
