Are You An Introvert, Ambivert, Extrovert, Or Shy? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You An Introvert, Ambivert, Extrovert, Or Shy?
I got ambivert witch is so not me cause I need people 24/, and hate doing things by myself
Anna El1 -
I'm 80% Ambivert, 55% shy and 52% Extroverted...
Shy 84%
Thats accurate -
Bring me my money
89% Ambivert
rather true I must sayI love my friends and love spending time with others but a bit of peace is also k
shashank1 -
I'm 100 introvert
92& shy....
and 8% introvert.
So me!
XD -
Im an introvert
I knew it. 97% introvert, 82% ambivert, 55% shy, 12% extrovert. Nice.
INTROVERT....Its true!!
I knew i was 98% introvert -.-
I got introvert. But I literally have no frickin' clue what that means.
it not show the questions and i am confused
Shy? IDC about others opinions if they got a problem then f--- them and if they are cool then that's fine.
Zimswife1 -
I am an introvert 84%, which is true. I am not shy at all though, but I just like to be in my own company.
Great quiz
But... Introvert and shy are the same thing though...
I'm an extrovert!!."Please disturb,extrovert at work"that is so funny LOL!!!.And yes I love people!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!.Awesome QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
ResyTest1 -
93% introvert. Yep, that's me 😁
80% introvert, 74% shy
I got shy ;,D I was expecting this cuz im scared to talk to others at my skool ;w;
Demonny1 -
Dr_Silly1 -
Oh man
Phanie1 -
76% Ambivert
62% Extrovert
42% IntrovertMy result just change,I agree more w/ this, it truly defines who I am
Linxy1 -
Oh hi!