Are you an instagramaholic?

There are lots of instagramolholics. Are you one of them? Find out instantly!! Take my short, but thorough quiz to find out if you are an instagramoholic!

There are lots of instagramolholics. Are you one of them? Find out instantly!!! Take my short, but thorough quiz to find out if you are an instagramoholic!!!

Created by: Demsil
  1. Do you know what instagram is?
  2. Do you have an instagram?
  3. How many times do you instagram a day?
  4. How many followers do you have?
  5. How many users are you following?
  6. How many photos do you have total? (How my photos have you posted.)
  7. How long have you been a user?
  8. Have you ever deleted instagram, then re-downloaded it?
  9. How long could you go without instagram?
  10. Delete instagram. Right now. Do it. Not your account. The app.

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Quiz topic: Am I an instagramaholic?