Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

Hello. This is a quiz which determines whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. This isn't 100% accurate because depending on some of the scenarios as an extrovert you may stay quiet depending on who you're going against.

Have fun with this quiz. I hope it helps you determine whether or not you're extroverted or introverted. These are just the basic questions they aren't very specific but you can get the idea. There may also be some typos but I hope you get the right idea of what the answer/question was meant to be. Enjoy the 10 questions.

Created by: hyphen
  1. IF you were to go to a party, what would you do?
  2. When you're having problems on the math homework what do you do?
  3. IF someone were to make fun of you how would you react?
  4. When someone cuts in front of you in the line what do you do?
  5. Do you hang out with your friends outside of school/work, how often and who initiates meeting up?
  6. How much free time do you have?
  7. How often do you meet new friends?
  8. Which type of person describes you better? Funny, or smart.
  9. How many extra classes/clubs did/would you take?
  10. How many friends do you have? (Close friends that you could easily talk to and that won't may fun of you. Only light teasing. Nothing too personal. No teasing of how you act in person, only how you play video games. OR people who support you when you're in a difficult situation sincerely.)

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Quiz topic: Am I an extrovert or an introvert?
