Are you an expert in the Chamber of Secrets? (book version)

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This is a quiz that quizzes you about Harry Potter, but it's special because the quiz is only about the Chamber of Secrets. It's kinda hard, but if you know the book you'll get it.

No cheating, please. If you don't get the score you want, well, i tried my best. Please rate and comment! And good luck! Enjoy this quiz, and remember that's its only a quiz, not some future changing thing, ok?

Created by: Supergirl
  1. What is the language of snakes?
  2. What is the name of the Slytherins's new brooms?
  3. Why wasn't Justin Finch-Fetchly killed by the basilisk?
  4. What does Dobby do in Harry's house?
  5. Where is the Chamber of Secrets?
  6. What is Lockhart's biography called?
  7. Hard question coming up! How many generations has Ernie's family been wizards?
  8. Easy question coming up! What subject does Professor Sprout teach?
  9. Who is the Acromantala that Harry and Ron meet in the Forbidden Forest?
  10. What is unusual about Hagrid's pumpkins?
  11. How does Harry get to Diagon Alley?
  12. What are the name of the pixies that Lockhart relases in his first class?

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Quiz topic: Am I an expert in the Chamber of Secrets? (book version)

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