Are you an Epling or a Poopieling?

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Welcome! For your information, this is a quiz that focuses on Eplings and Heplings. Wanna figure out if you're one of them? Try this quiz out to see !

Let's dive into these questions as we sink into the common Pland and Betterland interrogative most frequently asked questions to find out which one you are.

Created by: ella
  1. Welcome to the quiz, Do you like Quokkas or not?
  2. If you had the ability to mimic a human if you were another creature, would you like to turn into one?
  3. Do you like Drop bears?
  4. Do you have an accent or not?
  6. Would you like to have one eye or not?
  7. Which one of these environments and atmosphere would you want to live on?
  8. Bye
  9. Its a prank, what do you think about epling’s?
  10. How about Poopieling?

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Quiz topic: Am I an Epling or a Poopieling?
