Are you an enemy to your friends?

Evil... such a strong word, isn't it? Your friends probably think you're an enemy to them, so this quiz... well... you need to find out for yourself, really. Are you on the brink of world domination?

Your friends are special to you, right? You don't want them to go away? You don't want them to fear you or see you as an enemy? I hope your result comes out clean!

Created by: Anonymous
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think you're evil?
  2. Would you rather... kill your boyfriend or kill your best friend?
  3. You can change "boyfriend" to "girlfriend" if you're a guy...
  4. Would you rather... crash a party or crash a car?
  5. You are honest to people, right? You tell the truth...?
  6. Do you always tell your parents where you're going (for safety reasons)?
  7. Have you ever considered trying to keep your best friend hostage?
  8. Have you got any weapons stashed away in your bedroom?
  9. Do you smoke or drink?
  10. Do you... watch adult films?
  11. Okay, that's all. Are you evil?

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Quiz topic: Am I an enemy to my friends?