Are you an Empath for your KotLC Specail ability?

Hey!! its EmmaTheEmpath!! (im new!!) this is my first quiz!! go as hard as you want on me!! but, here you will find out if your an empath or not The last question does not affect your score. You have my word.

welp, I loved making this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL make more!! Maybe 'How much do you like Solangelo?' if you know what im talking about, yesssss! if you dont, please go read percy jackson and the hereos of olympus.

Created by: EmmaTheEmpath
  1. Would you like to read minds?
  2. would you like to control some type of element? (water air fire ect....)
  3. Are you mostly nice? (answer honestly for best test results)
  4. Do you like to say, when asking someone a truth, 'Who do you have a crush on?' (yes this question matters)
  5. how cool would being an empath be to you?
  6. Have you taken a ability quiz before? if so, wut were ur results?
  7. do you like Keefe?
  8. if you could, would you be a double manifest?
  9. do you wanna be an Empath?
  10. Did u like it!

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Quiz topic: Am I an Empath for my KotLC Specail ability?

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