Are You an Emo?

yay emo quiz. -a real emo.

Created by: Emily
  1. You find 100 dollars on the ground. Where do you go first with it?
  2. Choose a Movie.
  3. Anime Opinion?
  4. If you saw someone being bullied for something that you and said person are both ("fat" even though you're not so just shut up about it and have some cake with Honey Senpai) what would you do?
  5. How's your hair?
  6. Happy Tree Friends
  7. Which List has 4 MCR band members?
  8. you're in a room with 5 objects. which catches your eye first?
  9. Choose a color.
  10. Favorite food?
  11. what's something you always keep with you?
  12. Do you know who sings the song with the words "Well, I know you're laying back, Contemplating your own death, well just look at what you've done"?
  13. G F# B E D G C B E A D ?
  14. Do you contemplate death? If so, where?
  15. there's two results of th "NOOT" one, so deal with that and the typos

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Quiz topic: Am I an Emo?