Are you an Egghead?

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Calling all Eggheads! This quiz is to help you see if you are or not a egghead and if you succeed this quiz... You will get a boom for Christmas. Anyways who wants a book?

This also contains cutekitty photo but that doesnt matter, if you don't know Warrior cats that's okay I don't mind... Heheh so yeah i also go on devianart

Created by: QuizWiz
  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. What kind of books do you read?
  3. Of this list, What book would you rather read
  4. Book or Video Games?
  5. Do you like Twilight Sparkle
  6. I am running out of ideas :/
  7. Did you every stay in a library and stared at a bookshelf?
  8. How fast do you read?
  9. If you get a book for Christmas how would you react?
  10. Did you like this quiz? It's been so long since I've done a quizz

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Quiz topic: Am I an Egghead?