Are You An Aries (I am)

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this is if u don't know what sign you are... i mean, you could just search it up, but this is way funner!helllloooo sorry it wont let me publish unless it has a surtain amount of charac

is funner even a word?!...ters hahaha there seems to be a maximum too!this is fun tho, i guess . so yea bye see you later actually i wont see u see mee later actually u can't see me unless ur a stalker or know mee

Created by: EMAM of [no urls]
(your link here more info)
  1. Is your favourite color yellow or blue or both ?
  2. do you love animals
  3. Do you like cheese?
  4. Do you try and fail to wake up early every morno?
  5. Do you love 80s fashion?
  6. How old are you
  7. Do you struggle to sleep?
  8. Does your name begin with an- E, A or M?
  9. how was ur day today?
  10. do you like home ec.

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Quiz topic: Am I An Aries (I am)

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