Are you an arcane adventures fan?

R you a true arcane adventures fan or are you a loser that sucks at life. Fire light water lightning earth and darkness, these are the elements and you are a sucker unless you score a high score.

So can u complete life and take this quiz and do stuff that r stuff with more stuff and magic stuff with unicorns at fart rainbows and more unicorns and magic

Created by: 🍪🏝
  1. Who is stronger: a wasted pirate or a desert bandit? LOL
  2. Who is kraken. LOL
  3. Wat magic does Theos use? LOL
  4. How much levels do u need to complete the game? LOL
  5. What's the name of the bank guy? LOL
  6. What's the best ripoff you can get? LOL?
  7. Can you wet your pants in the game? LOL?
  8. What's the fastest boat? LOL
  9. Can you get burned? LOL?
  10. Sepehr is the best
  11. PLZ DAB, LOL
  12. Did u dab

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Quiz topic: Am I an arcane adventures fan?