Are you an angel or a devil!?

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do you ever wonder if you are a good human being? well stop wondering and just click on the quiz already!!! click on this quiz and TRUTHFULLY answer these 10 questions to find out if you are an angel or a devil

if you are reading this you have not clicked on the quiz yet so why don't you and your little mouse just scoot up there and click on the quiz then I will be happy and you will find out if you are nice or naughty

Created by: Evelyn
  1. When you see a homeless person you:
  2. when you see a insect do you:
  3. if you see some one cry what do you do?
  4. when you see someone stuck on a math problem in school you:
  5. when you lose in a game you
  6. when you are stuck on a challenge you:
  7. would you tell a harmless lie to get a friend or yourself out of truoble?
  8. are you goth or softie
  9. did you answer all these questions TRUTHFULLY
  10. did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I an angel or a devil!?
