Are you an Angel of Death?

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I love Death! He is so awsome! He is like my hero! So if you got a good score then it will change your life! Hope you like this quiz! It was to much typing! It also kept me up late! But I love the night!

Are you like him? Are you cool enough to be my hero? Does he love you? Will this quiz will help you figure out! Just answer these questions! So let the quiz begin!

Created by: DeathLover
  1. Whats your favorite color?
  2. Do you prefer LIFE or DEATH?
  3. Heavy metal or classical music?
  4. Pick a curse word!
  5. Love or Hate?
  6. Heaven or Hell?
  7. Pick one out of 3.
  8. Day or Night?
  9. Moon or Sun?
  10. Bones or skin?

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Quiz topic: Am I an Angel of Death?