Are you an Angel, demon, or both?

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Many people have a question:What are they? They can wonder for ages and maybe make a guess that is either correct or wrong! With this quiz you'll learn who you are by answering a few questions! Ready?

The authour of this quiz was also wondering who he/she is. Then, he/she decided to make a perfect quiz for the people who also want to know who they are. Take Quiz?

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Do you lie?
  2. Do you like to hurt the living?
  3. Do you like to fight?
  4. Do you help people?
  5. Heaven or Hell?
  6. What do you think, who are you?
  7. Choose a color!
  8. Choose a Song
  9. tdklikbgykrvlblug?
  10. Help old lady?

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Quiz topic: Am I an Angel, demon, or both?
