Are you an adult?

Are you really an adult? You sure? Take this quiz, to find out! Mabye you´re an adult that acts like a teenager! It have only 10 questions. Created in 2023.

Are you adult? Mabye you´re an adult that acts like a teenager! Take this quiz, to find out! Or mabye you´re an adult that acts like a teenager! It have only ten questions. Created in september 2023.

Created by: Mouse
  1. Do you like dark chocolate?
  2. Do you like coffee?
  3. What clothes do you wear?
  4. Do you like Harry Potter?
  5. Can you drive?
  6. Do you play video games?
  7. What result do you think you will get?
  8. Do you like sweets?
  9. How old are your parents?
  10. Are you ready to get results?

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Quiz topic: Am I an adult?
