Are you an actual self-harmer?

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This quiz sounds a bit weird, but just let me explain. This quiz tells you if you actually self-harm because you could/are suicidal, or if you do it to be “trendy and cool”.

There is a variety of results and just make sure to take your time to get the best results! Stay strong everyone! I hope you get better. Be safe. -aves!!

Created by: Aves/avery
  1. Do you feel as if you are alone?
  2. What do you harm with?
  3. How often do you harm?
  4. Do you have sad or suicidal thoughts?
  5. Do you constantly feel like dying?
  6. Do you have scars?
  7. How deep do you scar if you cut? If you do not cut, just choose “I don’t.”
  8. If you burn, how deep do you burn?
  9. Do people know you self-harm? (this will not effect your results)
  10. Lastly, do you wear long sleeves or pants to cover scars? (also will not effect)

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Quiz topic: Am I an actual self-harmer?

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