Are You Alternative? | Comments

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  • Why is it that when I put my gender as female I get "girly glam opposite of alternative" but when I put make I get 'Rap' and I'm cool even though I don't change any of my other answers. Why does it matter whether I'm a boy or a girl, also this quiz portrays pop music as being bad and girly. Why is girly a bad thing? I know you probably think you're special because 'ew no pop music ew.' but actually you'll find a lot of talented writers in pop music that are way better than some emo lyrics you get. All jaunres of music have their good parts and just because pop is mainstream definitely doesn't mean it's bad.

    Mib Mob
  • Hi.
    Loved the quiz! I got punk.

    I would like to educate you on some punk stuff though. Wearing neon/Bright accessories isn't a staple of punk fashion. I think you were thinking of the scene subculture. Also bands like Good charlote, Avril Lavigne, All time low and the others mentioned aren't true punk music, they are actually more pop punk. Punk music is like the Ramones and sex pistols

  • Hope you like it!!!

    • hey i enjoyed the quiz

      i just had a couple concerns about a question. i completely understand if its a little hard to understand but there are actually more than two genders.

      if its possible would you maybe be able to edit that question to include all of the gender identities out there?


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