Are You Addicted To Meez

This is about a virtual world with avatars, games and forums. The main reason I made this was to discover how many people are actually addicted to meez and the reasons behind it.

Do you enjoy meez too much? Do you take it too seriously? Not getting enough air? Find out in this quiz about to find how much you are addicted.

Created by: Anon

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why do you come on meez?
  2. What do you do while your on meez?
  3. Do you take meez too seriously?
  4. Do you consider your meez friends to be better than your real friends?
  5. What is your opinion on meez dating?
  6. What is your opinion on meez crews?
  7. How long have you been on meez?
  8. Does meez control your life?
  9. Have you ever hacked a meez?
  10. How long do you spend on meez?

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Quiz topic: Am I Addicted To Meez