Are you ACTUALLY smart?

A lot of these tests are based on personal opinion. Mine is based on statistics and psychology. But we're going to find out what kind of smart you are!

Are you ACTUALLY smart? Do you focus on the teacher in class or on the lesson, and how are those different? Of course eveyone is actually smart, but what KIND of smart?

Created by: Blboo
  1. What sort of things do you mostly watch or enjoy watching on Youtube?
  2. What is 1 x 3 í· 6 x 2 í· 2 x 10 í· 8
  3. What is this sentence giving an example of and why do you think so? "The prickly, plump pear tasted delicious and extremely sweet."
  4. Put the planets (in our solar system) in order of farthest from the sun to closest.
  6. Do you watch p---? (This information is completely private!)
  7. Are you religious?
  8. Fill in the blanks: F..K S..T B...H
  9. Someone has 10 pounds of feathers in a bag. Someone else has 10 pounds of heavy rocks. Which weighs more?
  10. Your motto?

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Quiz topic: Am I ACTUALLY smart?