Are you acting like a man (if you're a girl)?

Gay, straight or bisexual? Who are you attracted to, men or women? Maybe you already know the answer, or maybe you are confused or repressed. This little test will help shed light on the issue

There are many lesbos but lots more straight people. !!!! What are you? If you really want to find out take this quiz and see for your self!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Qwerty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What sport do you like?
  2. Do you like girls? like lots?
  3. Do you think you look like a boy?
  4. Are you mental?
  5. Why are you taking this quiz?
  6. Did you ever kiss a girl?
  7. what does this mean ttylgox
  8. if a boy asked you out what would you do?
  9. if a girl wears a hoody and joggers what do you think?
  10. Are you a biosexual?

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Quiz topic: Am I acting like a man (if you're a girl)?