Are you Aaron Carpenter's or Cam Dallas's gal?

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many girls love mc guys such as CAMERON, AARON, nash, taylor, jack&jack,and Shawn. but are u their type to date them? who knows... are u dying to find out?? no worries take this quiz and c i u are CD OR ACS GALLLLLLL

many girls love mc guys such as CAMERON, AARON, nash, taylor, jack&jack,and Shawn. but are u their type to date them? who knows... are u dying to find out?? no worries take this quiz and c i u are CD OR ACS GALLLLLLL

Created by: Natalie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what boys are your type?
  2. Do you care about hair color?
  3. do u like cam
  4. IS AARON CUTE?????????????????
  5. what year was AC(aaron) born in?
  6. what year was CD (cam) born in?
  7. why do u like cd and ac?
  8. WHAT IS UR TYPE????
  9. do u care for a 6pack on a guy?
  10. what eye color do u like

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Quiz topic: Am I Aaron Carpenter's or Cam Dallas's gal?