Are you a zombie?

ok so this quiz is to discover if you are or can become, a zombie. this is sort of a little fun quiz but every percentage range has a different message.

well i guess i should tell you a small bit about me, my name is bridget i have brown hair and green/blue eyes, im 12 almost 13 andf i was bored and i took a few quizes i saw i could make one so i made it about zombies. :) also septiplier ;)

Created by: bridget hrynczuk

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you crave flesh?
  2. do you like to watch or play zombie stuff
  3. do you want to be a zombie
  4. in an apocolapse what is your weapon
  5. do you thing you would look good as a zombie
  6. fate shall choose
  7. favorite color?
  8. Do you watch youtube much?
  9. are you bored cause i am
  10. ok are you dead

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Quiz topic: Am I a zombie?