Are you a yoyo lover?

This is a test about my pretty dog Yoyo. She is so cute and fun. I have had her for a while and love her. Did I mention that she is cute and fun? Well she is.

Are you a yoyo lover? Or a yoyo hater! Take this test and you will find out! You will also find out a little something about yoyo if you didn't know.

Created by: Jake

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  1. What is the color of Yoyo's colier
  2. What day of the week did I get Yoyo
  3. What does yoyo eat
  4. What part of her face noticably moves every once and a while.
  5. what is the color of the end of her tail
  6. What is Yoyo Marwall Aron's middle name
  7. What is Yoyo's usaual favorite spot in the house
  8. how meany tags does Yoyo have
  9. Who got Yoyo
  10. Where does Yoyo live

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Quiz topic: Am I a yoyo lover?