Are you a YouTube lover?

A lot of people can be YouTube likers, but there are few who are YouTube lovers, and even haters or insane ones, but also normal ones, which there are, well, you know, normal.

Do you think you are a YouTube lover? If so, prove it on this quiz! There is 12 questions on this quiz and it will make a BIG proof, yes, I say BIG cause there will be things that most people wanted.

Created by: Lucas
  1. Do you hate when your videos are removed?
  2. Do you hate when your YouTube account is suspended?
  3. Do you like YouTube stars? (Annoying Orange, Smosh, etc)
  4. Did you ever want to be a partner?
  5. Do you like when they answer to your comments?
  6. Do you ever wanted YouTube to allow you chat with a user?
  7. Do you ever wanted your channel to be found in a search?
  8. What would you say in your mind if YouTube would changed the design of the page?
  9. What would you say in your mind if YouTube would banned one of your friends forever?
  10. Do you love videos?

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Quiz topic: Am I a YouTube lover?