Are You A Writer?

This quiz was designed to bring the writer out of inside you. Many people believe that they're a writer, but this quiz is formulated to determine if you really are a writer.

So, what the hell are you waiting for bucko? Are you a writer or a poser? Find out now in this ultimate quiz. Or are you too afraid to embark on this harrowing journey through pens and paper?

Created by: Dr. Mario
  1. How often do you read?
  2. Do you tend to find grammatical errors whenever you read something?
  3. How often do you write?
  4. Where do find yoursel writing?
  5. What type of writer are you?
  6. How do you deal with writer's block?
  7. How do you find inspiration
  8. How many words qualifies a story being a novel?
  9. Why do you write?
  10. What are the six rules of writing?
  11. Who's the best writer in the world?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Writer?