Are You a Wild One?

There are some people who go to a zoo and think to themselves, "Oh, how wild!" Then there are the truely wild. Which are you? God, I hate putting this long paragraph here just to get min. requierment. I've got deer to hunt...

Yo, ignore this, it's just some random giberish to make it seem like I actually tried to write something constructive. Jeeze, who came up with this 150 letter min.?

Created by: Wolfwood

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often are you outside?
  2. Do you swim?
  3. What is your favorite colors?
  4. Do you like Nature?
  5. How far can you walk without resting?
  6. What kinda of clothes do you like?
  7. How did you like this quiz?
  8. Filler, sorry.
  9. Another...
  10. Last one.

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Quiz topic: Am I a Wild One?