Are you a werewolf or vampire

The best werewolf vampire quiz out there. Ever wonder what you are now you know. This is a fun quiz to know what you are human vampire or werewolf. What are you

This is a fun joke for all who are bored as crap like me hope y'all like my quiz give good rating hope my quiz don't get taken off for nothing tell me if it's good in the comments

Created by: I am the champion #22
  1. Do you like meat or cheese or blood
  2. If you chose meat do you like it rare ,well done, or medium
  3. Do you fell weird under a full moon
  4. Do you burn easy in the sun
  5. Are you tan pale average
  6. Do you get sick
  7. Do you like dogs
  8. Are you scared of death
  9. Are you scared of death
  10. If you were shot at what would you do
  11. Have you told your parents your gay
  12. I'm out of questions so see ya later hope you rate and comment

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Quiz topic: Am I a werewolf or vampire