Are you a werewolf, a vampire, or a human?

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Many of you want to know, if they are werewolfs, vampires, or just human! I brought this quiz to you, because it has simple, but important questions..

So are you a VAMPIRE or a WEREWOLF? Wanna know? answer all the questions in this quizm and find out! Tell usm if youre one of these creatures, or just a human... Good Luck!

Created by: Nikki

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a temper?
  2. What is youre favorite scent?
  3. Do you like werewolfs?
  4. Body temperature..
  5. Whats an imprint?
  6. Who are the cullens?
  7. Running is...
  8. Who is cuter...
  9. Rosalie is...
  10. Alice!!!!!

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Quiz topic: Am I a werewolf, a vampire, or a human?